How collaboration improves process

Using open source to improve application upgrade process

2 min read

March 2022

Adult male sitting at a desk in front of a laptop typing. A larger screen sits on the desk displaying data images.

As a technical solutions owner (TSO) of one of our applications, Mike knew the importance of having streamlined processes when upgrades were needed. At a large company with strict security standards, streamlined doesn’t always exist. Sometimes manual is the way to go when security standards are in place. But what if there was a way to stay within standards and have an easy, seamless process?

The importance of a streamlined process

It wasn’t until he joined Progressive’s open-source team that Mike had the opportunity to develop a process that allowed for updates to happen seamlessly for a particular application. A huge accomplishment, Mike was eager to share through the company’s open-source community so others could take advantage. As expected, it was adopted for other angular applications across the company.

“It felt like a small contribution, but made life easier for developers across the company,” Mike shares. “It was a rewarding, good feeling.” Mike’s innate desire to use technology to help others is a common trait to developers across Progressive. There’s a genuine desire to share knowledge to encourage progress.

“In the old world, you were isolated in your own cubby, coding for eight hours a day,” Mike says. There was usually a chain of command for asking questions or looking for better solutions, but today with the open-source community, developers across the company can help with challenges instantly.

“The only way it works is if we all help each other out,” Mike explains. “Open source creates this mentality of collaboration and community.” A mentality that has long been embraced at Progressive in all business areas.

“When you see all these great attitudes and willingness to help, it makes your job so much easier,” Mike says. In a community where collaboration is so ingrained, it’s no surprise that open source would prove successful.

It’s common knowledge that experienced developers help new employees when they join Progressive. Many even set up office hours for junior developers to bring questions. With such a large technology stack, mentorship eases the intimidation that comes with joining a large company. Learn more about Progressive’s core values.

“When someone does something nice for you, you’re more motivated to help the next person down the line—it’s the way it works best, definitely at Progressive,” Mike says with a smile.

As a technology leader in the insurance industry, the need to continue finding better solutions is not about to stop anytime soon. Melding old technology with new, cutting-edge technologies, Progressive is always hiring developers ready to join a collaborative community. Ready to pay it forward as a developer at Progressive? Learn more about developer careers at Progressive.

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